Teatro Metastasio - Contemporanea 2021

WRITINGS OF THE AFTERMATH Will you see the players well bestowed? Do you hear? Let them be well used, for they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. (William Shakespeare; Hamlet, II.2) How will theatre reflect the present? Through which silences, phrases and images, with which dramaturgic-visual forms, favouring which plots and stories? And to try to tell us really what? We will ask ourselves this in a meeting during which, without ever stopping to think about the stage and the actors' bodies, we will put the creators of different narratives in relation so that they can confront each other on the duties and urgencies, and on the possibilities and importance of words and writing. We will do this by creating a confrontation divided into two parts. The first, during which we will ask those who work elsewhere from the scene - generating podcasts and film scripts, pages of literature or poetry, docu-seriality television, photo documentation - how they tell what they tell: the production methods and style, the subjective urgencies and the choice of a topic or a theme, the ways of fruition and the uncertainties, failures and achievements that always belong to a composing and artistic process. Their speeches will then become the introduction and the starting point of an afternoon round table in which the present playwrights - intertwining vocations and paths, works and identities, the scripts they have already written and those they would like to write - will discuss their way of saying, now, on the stage. Speeches by: Maurizio Braucci, Paolo Bernardelli, Jonathan Zenti, Michele Lapini, Mimmo Borrelli, Michele Santeramo, Rita Frongia, Chiara Lagani, Valentina de Simone, Diego Vicenti Saturday September 25th h. 10.00/13.00 e 15.00/18.00 | Sala Consiliare Palazzo Banci Buonamici 49