Teatro Metastasio di Prato - Contemporanea 2020

prenotazione obbligatoria / booking is madatory prenotoconte@metastasio.it PROGRAMMA /PROGRAM sabato /saturday 19 settembre /september ore 11.00 - 12.30 /h. 11.00 am - 12.30 pm THE ART OF RESISTANCE incontro pubblico con il regista /public meeting with the director Milo Rau (in collegamento da Gent /live from Gent) e la dramaturg /and the dramaturg Eva-Maria Bertschy moderatore /moderator Lorenzo Marsili traduttore e interlocutore /translator and interlocutor Giacomo Bisordi domenica /sunday 20 settembre /september ore 15.00 - 18.00 /h. 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm LABORATORIO PER I RAGAZZI DELLE SCUOLE SUPERIORI DI PRATO max 15 partecipanti / max 15 participants condotto da /lead by Elisa Calosi (cultural manager IIPM) e /and Graziano Graziani (scrittore e critico teatrale /writer and critic) the artistic director. Starting from this example, and seizing the urgency to give voice to the new generations, from October 2020 to May 2021 we will also set the bases in Prato - historically a laboratory city at the forefront of cultural, social and economic policies - of a original experience. Contemporanea Festival hosts the first workshop of this reflection about social and political issues mediated by artistic contexts. Conducted by Elisa Calosi (IIPM) and critic Graziano Graziani, the workshop is reserved for high school students in Prato and is the prelude to a series of meetings and autumn work sessions that will accompany students in defining the themes at the centre of public spring assemblies presided over by the students themselves. Activists, experts, philosophers, international guests will be the interlocutors of the forums open to the community of Prato 60